The importance of being churlish

Saturday, May 06, 2006


The future of home entertainment.

Fed up with the console wars?Cant decide which next gen machine to spend your hard earned cash on?Its time to think outside the box and take a look at the new TOASTER 3000.
No set up nightmares,no bulky add ons and no hassle trying to free up more space under the tv.Toaster 3000 comes out of the box,plugs straight in and your ready to go.Stop paying $$ for the latest games all this baby needs is a loaf and you've hours of fun for next to nothing and talk about future proof no need to update ever.
The kids will be transfixed as they play guess when it pops up,How long until it burns or the family favourite hamster sunbed.(Hamster not included)
It comes in a sleek aluminium housing with fully adjustable dial and the latest 3D EXI power tower heating element and all for a fraction of the cost of these other less versatile machines.
So its time to move to a console thats truly family orientated and the only choice you'll have to make is will it be white or brown today.

STOP PRESS:Amazing new peripheral coming soon.Bring your muffins,croissants etc to slightly above room temperature with the Bagel Rack 3001 add on and let the good times roll.