The importance of being churlish

Monday, March 27, 2006

Calling all mingers

As soon as they start making asbestos servers Cardiff,you'll be back on the books.

Are you ugly?I dont mean just plain old hideous,I'm talking as ugly as the product of a Dorset hillbillys wedding kind of ugly.
Maybe you've got an enormous head with both of your ears on the same side,or the boils on your fizzog dont so much detract from your look as define it.Well my lonely grotesque friend rejoice for your day has finally come and it's time to get Mum to let you out of the attic,face the harsh daylight and get some booty.
Blinddates.con is a pioneering dating site pairing two very specific types of people.

1:The stomach churning mutants like yourself who the rest of us would cross the street to avoid breathing in the same air as.
2:The blind.

So my repulsive chums,sign up today for your best and lets face facts only chance of playing hide the sausage.£26.14 a month for the first 3 weeks and then only £87.40 per hour for the rest of your miserable existence you pig faced munter.
Unfortunately due to a recent server meltdown we are no longer able to offer this service in the Cardiff area.

No personality,no problem just head over to our sister site Deafdates.con where even the emotionally stunted have a 1 in 4 chance of a legover.

No morals,no worries.Deaddates.con is the answer to your sick,sick dreams.Again Cardiff rules apply.

Please take a quick break from waxing your forehead and read some of the testamonies from our satisfied freaks.

"I thought I would never feel the enormous relief that Blinddates.con helped me achieve,neither did my new partner Maureen but she felt it alright,because she couldnt see it coming obviously."
John Thomas,45.Newquay.

"I havent had as much fun in years as I have had since joining Deaddates.con,and like many other mail order services these days when you've finished with them just pop em back in the bag,send it back and they send the next one off your list.Postage pushes up the fees though so its worth the extra for gold membership coz as well as postage being included they chuck in a free air freshener."
Rob Gently,48.Plymouth.

"I was dubious at first when I joined Blinddates.con that having recently gone blind people might take advantage of my lack of vision.I quickly realised this would not be the case when my first date was a Brad Pitt lookalike,he was quickly followed by a dead ringer for George Clooney and the chap I'm seeing now works as a double for Tom Cruise.It must be true they said so,they wouldnt lie to a blind lady would they..I..I..just couldnt take it if they did,I miss the sunsets most."
A D o'zytart,51.Zummerzet.